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Be Careful With Me

Last Saturday, I found myself engulfed into a full nonstop day with just two hours of sleep the night before. My day began on the beach at 3am awaiting the start of our church’s Annual Sunrise Service which was followed with a lunch cruise with my best friend and family adventures all over the city. In an effort to hype me up and prevent me from falling asleep as I began to feel my body start to crash I grabbed my coffee lifeline a Venti Iced Caramel Latte from Starbucks. Then, as soon as I got into the car I opted in for Apple Music for the first time in search of “Trap Music” that would assist in hyping me up. The first song that came on was “Be Careful” by Cardi B which was new to me since I had never heard this song or even her album. My capacity for “Trap Music” is reserved for these moments only as I don’t know if it’s just me but it causes me to drive faster and operate as if I’ve been “trapping out the bando” my whole life. I promised you guys honesty! 😂 What’s crazy is as I listened to the song I could hear Holy Spirit speaking; God will give you a revelation in anything! As I processed the lyrics many which resonated with me and past relationships, especially this line “You got me looking in the mirror thinking I’m flawed because you ain’t consistent.” Listen! I’ve been there where a man’s actions had me questioning every single thing I’ve always been confident in about myself; had me thinking I was the the flawed one when it was only manipulation on his part. Manipulation is a form of witchcraft so it’s not surprising that it causes you to question every part of yourself. Thank God for deliverance, for renewing of the mind to remind me of who He validated me to be even when I was in my mother’s womb. Jeremiah 1:5 Now, Cardi’s song is about a flawed relationship and part of the lyrics go on to say “Do you know what you’re doing? The feelings that you’re hurting and bruising?” and “It’s not a threat it’s a warning|Be careful with me|My heart is like a package with a fragile label on it|Be careful with me.” Wow!!! How many people whether it be romantic, platonic, familial, or friend type relationships could you lead conversations with them with those lyrics? Hmmmm, for me I could sing those verses to people across all categories because quite frankly there are many people that have come into my life that mishandled me-they weren’t careful with me. They mishandled me because they assessed my value based on the state I was in where they met me but God says “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11 So it’s safe to say, they didn’t know what they were doing as Jesus said from the cross “Father, forgive them for they do not know what they are doing” in Luke 23:34 is the approach we have to take. They didn’t understand I was a valuable possession one of priceless value, more valuable than rubies. Proverbs 3:15 They mishandled me because they couldn’t assess the value I posses but as Ecclesiastes 3 says “everything has a time and season.” They didn’t think they would need me or that I wasn’t special because I had yet to walk in my purpose. It wasn’t clear to them they should be careful with me, that God had me marked as Cardi said “like a package with a fragile label on it.” Considering all those things I’m not upset or unforgiving because God has already said “Do not touch my anointed.” Psalm 105:15 and 1 Chronicles 16:22 Therefore, God will vindicate all wrongs done unto you but only if you release it to Him-cast your cares upon Him because He cares for you. 1 Peter 5:7 We also have to thank God they mishandled us, I know that’s a hard concept to thank God for pain but what if they would’ve pulled us further in only to disappoint us later? It would have hurt more because we would’ve been deeper into the relationship. What if they made it to the season in which God begins to release the promises He has for us and then they pollute our blessing? Often times there’s a blessing in the mishandling, God moved them to get us focused on Him and to prevent them from sabotaging what He has for us. Put a praise right there! 💃🏾💃🏾💃🏾💃🏾💃🏾

I say all this to say, don’t get hung up on those who mishandled you they have a time in which they’ll have to answer for their wrongs. Going forward........ Tell them “it’s not a threat it’s a warning” and to be careful with you because you’re God’s anointed, His chosen people. 1 Peter 2:9  

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