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Put Your Money Up Sis!

There are some C-Suite Execs I have worked with over the course of my career that make in excess of $250K and guess what they drive?! A Honda! They're not splurging on the new big body Benz or the latest Tesla but they're conscious of spending on things that appreciate in value versus depreciate.

The one thing they're also doing that's going to be a struggle for me is they make their own coffee every morning. Listen, your girl LOVES her "Extra Hot Triple Shot Venti Caramel Latte" pray my strength but let's put our money up sis! With that said, let's do a smart money challenge for April and keep our money in the bank. You down? Here’s the rules: • Entire Month of April No Excess Spending • Pre-planned vacations, set your budget before departure and don’t splurge beyond that • Take your lunch to work everyday • Make your coffee every morning • Make dinner, no takeout • You get 3 extra-curricular activities. You can spend no more than 5% of your total month income on the total cost for all 3 • Save at least 20% of your April Income

• Make sure you tithe-God blesses the cheerful giver

• Pray about your wealth and that God gives you wisdom to be a good steward over your income, savings, and establishing a wealth plan for generations to come

Some Tools To Help You Out

Digit is also an app that allows you to set savings goals and it identifies how much you can save each day. Digit deducts the savings from your account automatically based on the goals you set, allows you to set low balance parameters, pause savings, and transfer anytime. I just started using it and I love it to save for gifts for myself and the girls’ Birthday deposits. Here’s a link....

Also, check out Dave Ramsey's explanation on the tried and true Envelope Method

There is treasure to be desired and oil in the dwelling of the wise; but a foolish man spendeth it up. Proverbs 21:20 How much will you save in 30 days? You ready? I am!  

Be sure to share #PutYourMoneyUpSis as you post on your savings journey!

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